Thursday, June 10, 2010

Amver presentation in Malta

Amver enjoys support from many organizations, flag states, and companies. It's even better, however, when different flag states express a renewed interest in having their ships enroll in this life saving system.

That was the case late last month when a cross section of maritime representatives sat down in Malta to hear Commander Sean Schenk, United States Coast Guard Liaison Officer to Malta, explain the benefits of Amver participation.

Mr. Ruben Lanfranco, director of the Malta College of Arts and Sciences Maritime Institute (i.e., Malta's King's Point), hosted the event which included everyone from sea cadets to some of Malta's most experience ship masters. Commander Schenk explained the basics of the Amver system, how to enroll a ship, and how the system is used for safety at sea.

In addition to the Amver overview, Commander Schenk presented a framed Amver pennant to Mr. Lanfranco as a way of thanking and challenging the Maltese flag to promote Amver and encourage greater participation by Maltese flagged ships.

Malta Presentation

Malta group shot

Thank you Commander Schenk for helping promote the Amver system and thank you Malta for your willingness to ensure no call for help goes unanswered.

Photo credit: USCG photo submitted by CDR Schenk

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