Monday, October 3, 2011

How to: how to enroll your vessel in Amver

We thought we would take a moment to actually show you how easy it it to enroll your ship in Amver.

If you can't see the video click here.

Transcription of video:

Hey, it's Ben Strong from and we're here to show you how to -- this is kind of a how to series -- and right now, we're going to talk about how to enroll your ship in Amver. So the first thing you need to do is go to and there you go, voila, it takes you to the Amver homepage. To enroll a ship in Amver, use the frequently used links, the red button, click Enroll in Amver. That brings you to the enrollment page which has the SAR questionnaire link and the Amver ship reporting manual which is available in several different languages. But first and foremost, let's go ahead and get a ship enrolled. Click the SAR(Q) form. And we need an email address. That could be the email address on-board the ship, maybe you're on the operations department. Simply type in your email address. Woops, I should type it correctly. Your vessel name, maybe it's the -- what should we call it, the Amver? Call sign, OU812. And this is important, we need your IMO number. So put the vessels IMO number, 12345, and an Inmarsat Voice number which is a new feature that we're asking for. It's a new field that we're asking for in Amver enrollment, and what this does is it gives our search and rescue personnel direct access to the bridge. They're going to need to contact someone on your bridge in case of emergency. This is the number you would normally use for voice communications on the bridge. So type in that number so our SAR personnel can contact you if there's an emergency. You can also include medical personnel, is there a doctor on board, physician, nurse. Tick whatever box that's applicable. If you're unfamiliar with your radio watch schedule you can leave that blank. What is important, however, is the Completed By. We just want to know the name of the individual. So if there's a problem, we can get back to you and perhaps change things or update the questionnaire. Once you've done this one time, you don't have to do it anymore and this just stays in our repository and it gives our SAR personnel some necessary information when they look at your vessel in an Amver surface picture should you be called upon for a search and rescue case. Finally, you need to enter the Captcha information. That's this code right here. You'll need to enter that information into the field below. 97ECB. And then click Submit SAR(Q) form. Now I just want to make sure that they know that this is a test and we're going to submit SAR(Q) form. Once you've done that, your SAR(Q) request is complete. Thank you for your request, it will be processed as soon as possible, usually Monday through Friday during normal business hours. So, that's how to enroll a ship in Amver. I hope that it will spur you to get your vessels enrolled in our search and rescue system. I'm Ben Strong from

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