Tuesday, February 14, 2012

US Coast Guard to disconitnue On Call SITOR

The U.S. Coast Guard advises that effective 2359 UTC 31 March 2012 it will terminate On Call Ship/Shore HF Radiotelex (SITOR) services currently being provided by its Guam Mariana Islands Communications Station (NRV).  With this termination, On Call Ship/Shore HF Radiotelex (SITOR) services will not be available to/from any U. S. Coast Guard Communications Facility.

This change will NOT affect HF Radiotelex (SITOR) Broadcasts or broadcast content currently provided by Coast Guard Communications Stations Boston (NMF), San Francisco (NMC), Honolulu (NMO) and Guam (NRV). In addition to many other facilities: HF Radiotelex service of WLO Mobile Marine Radio and NOAA Shipboard Environmental Data Acquisition System (SEAS) program thru INMARSAT-C system remain available to vessels for the no cost transmission of AMVER and OBS messages; and The Globe Wireless system remains available for the no cost transmission of AMVER messages.

Photo credit: Fotolia

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