In this episode learn about what went on at the CMA Shipping 2011 exhibition in Stamford, Conn., learn about the U.S. Coast Guard's response to piracy and how social media is being used in the maritime community.
Here is a direct link to the Quarterdeck audio file.
The Quarterdeck transcript is available here.
- Admiral Jim Watson's biography.
- Coast Guard Maritime Security (MARSEC) Directives and Port Security Advisories
- Contact Group for Piracy
- Maritime Administration (MARAD) Horn of Africa Piracy and Best Practices links
- Testimony of U.S. Coast Guard Admiral Kevin Cook on Assuring the Freedom of Americans on the High Seas: the United States Response to Piracy
- The Maritime Executive Group on LinkedIn (you must be a member of LinkedIn to join)
Would you like to hear something specific on the Quarterdeck? Leave your question in the comments and we'll do our best to answer it in an upcoming episode.