Today is international
Talk Like a Pirate Day! So avast me hearties, shiver your timbers and perch a parrot on your shoulder. But while you say
Arrrr and wear an eye patch keep, this in mind- Piracy is still a serious scourge on the maritime sector and a danger to
Amver participants.
The economic cost of piracy
In fact, according to the website
Save Our Seafarers, piracy costs the world approximately:
$2,710 million in fuel costs of increased speeds of vessels transiting through high risk areas
$1,270 million for military operations
$1,100 million for security equipment and armed guards
$635 million is attributed to insurance
$580 million is spent on re-routing vessels along the western coast of India
$195 million is estimated for increased labor costs and danger pay for seafarers
$160 million is paid in ransoms
$16 million is spent on the prosecution and imprisonment of Somali pirates
The human cost of piracy are even greater.
So while it may be fun to talk like a pirate today, keep in mind the terrible cost real piracy costs each of us.
Photo credit: Fotolia