Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome Wednesday!

3 ships enrolled in the Amver system in the past week.  Some people might view that as a disappointment.  We see it a little differently.  First, it shows we still have room to grow.  You see, until we have all of the world's ships enrolled and participating in the Amver system then, well- we still have work to do.  Secondly, it helps us find new ways to market the Amver system.  That's what's great about this space, the online space.  It lets us try new ideas- like our 10 questions series, video projects, and blog posts like this.  This space allows us to use Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr as vehicles to bring you the Amver story.  So while only 3 ships may have enrolled in Amver in the past week we're celebrating.  It only takes 1 ships to save a life.  Maybe the next life saved will be by one of these ships. 

Help us welcome the following members of the Amver system.
What motivates you in marketing?  How could we reach more mariners?

Photo credit: Fotolia

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