Rescue Captain speaks

Every time we learn of an Amver ship that performs a rescue we send a note to the shipping company thanking the Master and crew of the vessel for a job well done, for giving hope. We also ask for any photos or video that may have been taken by the crew. Finally, we request a short narrative from the Master or crew.
We usually receive some good photos of the survivors being rescued and some details of the rescue. Nothing, however, prepared us for the eloquence of Captain Ely C. Sinoy, Master, Daio Azalea. He wrote about the recent rescue of two Italian sailors,
"I for one as Master did not call to mind that one day I will be into a real rescue operation.

Every time we learn of an Amver ship that performs a rescue we send a note to the shipping company thanking the Master and crew of the vessel for a job well done, for giving hope. We also ask for any photos or video that may have been taken by the crew. Finally, we request a short narrative from the Master or crew.
We usually receive some good photos of the survivors being rescued and some details of the rescue. Nothing, however, prepared us for the eloquence of Captain Ely C. Sinoy, Master, Daio Azalea. He wrote about the recent rescue of two Italian sailors,
"I for one as Master did not call to mind that one day I will be into a real rescue operation.
It is not an everyday experience wherein someone can memorize and predict the moves. But saving lives where you were caught in a situation struggling against the forces of nature is one of the toughest job to do. The motivation on the part of crew that a single light from far would mean the lives of two yachtsmen was the driving power to locate the life raft despite heavy rains that restrict the visibility.
By going back to company’s basic policy that preservation of human life is high lighted, the company willingness to support the vessel to answer and respond the call of distress whenever requested will always be there.
With God’s guidance, the consolidated effort of Master and crew of M.V. Daio Azalea and determination of Stella Cometa crew to survive that made it all a successful rescue operation."
Captain Sinoy summed up what Amver was founded on, ensuring no call for help going unanswered. The crew of the Caio Azalea and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. answered the call. Thank you, all of you.
Photo credit: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. and
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