Usually we write about Amver's adventures at trade shows and exhibitions. CMA Shipping 2010 started a little differently. Yes, there is lots of talk about finance, ship security, safety, the environment, and how to improve the impression people have about shipping. We always talk about that stuff. There is also an effort to recruit more ships and have them enroll in Amver as well.
What Dr. Hermann Klein said today at CMA Shipping 2010, however, really struck us as powerful.
Dr. Klein stated, during the opening panel, that "...the maritime industry doesn't cause pollution, our desire for more and more goods causes it..."
Want to catch what else is being said about CMA Shipping 2010? You can follow us on Twitter or search hashtag #shipping10 or follow the CMA Twitter list put together by Coracle.
That sums it up doesn't it?
Photo credit: Fotolia
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